"Tanz3" is a dancing studio of the special kind in Idar-Oberstein and a good example for a founding consulation with a small budget.

BBB developed logo and strategy up to a website and first promotion flyers. Core of the task was to show the quite complexe offer of the studio (compared with competitors) in a simple manner. At the same time find a clear distinction between Tanz3 and their competitors. Due to a small budget, no network partners were involved.

Dance to the 3 is more than just step sequences, that are to be performed in time with the music. Dance to the 3 deals with physicalness, wellness and balance of the soul. The logo and communication should schow this. It is black and white in order to leave space for the viewers own phantasy and development. Black and white with colorful accents are like the customer a canvas to create an individual world.

Logo & Claim (room for body, mind & soul):

Flyer for a special dancing event:

Print advert:
