"Katze auf der Couch" is my little hobby and another example for a founder advice at a small budget.

I developed the offer, the name, the logo and the communication: a website and a first promotion flyer as well as christmas greeting for my cat owner clients.

The offer is for cat ownder, which want to inform themselves about the nutrition and keeping of their animals. I structured the range into three descriptive areas:

  1. 1)Food kitchen: Nutrition advice and catfood cooking courses

  2. 2)Therapy couch: Behaviour therapy for problem cats

  3. 3)Cat butler: Vacation care and rides to the vet

Core of activities is the „phsychiological treatment“ of cats with behaviour problems - just as Freud medicated humans on his couch...

And this is the name.

Name & logo (Katze auf der Couch = Cat on the couch):

Business card:


Christmas greeting to clients:

(Translation of bubbles: We wish you a miau christmas... - Cat! Learn how to sing!)

Website: www.katzeaufdercouch.de